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Bangladesh boat diary: the launch

"All this month the BBC World Service is travelling along the rivers of Bangladesh as part of a major project to track and debate climate change."

Category: Climate Change


Uganda 'averts tragedy' with reversal of decision to clear virgin forest for biofuel

"Conservationists have hailed a decision by the Ugandan government to drop plans that would have allowed a private company to grow sugar cane for biofuel production on a protected forest reserve."


Thirst refusal

"The California fires are the result of an increasingly severe drought now stretching over much of the south and west of the US. Edward Helmore on how development and climate change are leading to water conflicts"

Category: Climate Change


Civilisation ends with a shutdown of human concern. Are we there already?

"A powerful novel's vision of a dystopian future shines a cold light on the dreadful consequences of our universal apathy"

Category: Climate Change


It's too late for greenhouse gas cuts, says scientist

"Cutting greenhouse gases and switching to sustainable development are unlikely to prevent disasters caused by climate change, one of the world's most respected environmentalists warns today."

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 1046 to 1050 out of 1185